( Studi Kasus di Ma’had Al- Zaytun Indramayu)
Bullying, Tolerance Culture Education, Peace Culture, Prevention.Abstract
Bullying is a serious problem that often occurs in primary, secondary and higher education units. The onset of bullying begins with a person's dislike for others, differences between groups / individuals, and various factors of physical, psychological, social, economic, cultural and racial conditions. The impact of bullying can be fatal for victims both physically and psychologically. Bullying prevention efforts through cultural education of tolerance and culture of peace are strategic solutions to create a safe and conducive school environment. Culture of tolerance and culture of peace education instil values of mutual respect, respect for differences and peaceful resolution of problems to students. These values instilled in Ma'had Al Zaytun students become an important foundation for building an inclusive school environment that is free from bullying. This research uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Information was obtained from School Management, Dormitory Management, Student Affairs and Counselling teachers. Data collection techniques used interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques used Miles and Huberman analysis with data validity testing triangulation techniques and data sources. This study reviews the impact and importance of tolerance and peace culture education in preventing bullying, the role of tolerance and peace culture education as a preventive measure of bullying. It discusses strategies for implementing tolerance and peace education in school and dormitory environments, including through the curriculum, extracurricular activities and learner development. In conclusion, by instilling the values of tolerance and peace to learners, we can create a learning environment (school), dormitory environment, activity environment (field) that is safe, conducive and inclusive of all.
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