Perspective, Students, MTSN, Mathematics.Abstract
Islamic education combines spiritual aspects with mastery of science and technology, including mathematics subjects. It is hoped that the integration of Islamic values in mathematics learning can create a balance between religious knowledge and general knowledge, in accordance with the principle that learning is worship and seeking knowledge is an obligation. This research aims to evaluate students' perceptions of mathematics questions integrated with Islamic values at MTS N 4 Pasaman, West Sumatra. The research method used is a qualitative method approach. The research results showed that the majority of students showed a positive interest in learning mathematics integrated with Islam, with 83.3% stating they were happy or very happy with this lesson. Students also show a high level of motivation, where 83.4% of them are enthusiastic about studying integrated mathematics. The integration of Islamic values also provides a positive experience in understanding Islam through a mathematical context, with 90% of students feeling they have gained new insight into religious values. This positive response reflects that this approach not only improves students' academic understanding but also forms a positive and sustainable learning attitude. This research has important implications for the development of a more holistic curriculum in schools, where religious values are not only introduced as theory but also integrated into practical learning such as mathematics. Thus, the integration of Islamic values in mathematics learning can enrich students' learning experiences and support comprehensive educational goals in developing character and spiritual intelligence.
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